
I was brought up and knew my way around the 20th century when much to my surprise the 21st century came along and everyone started making up new confusing rules I was supposed to have memorized (long after it was too late to memorize anything).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dear KOLO 8 News at 5pm

Today, December 17th, 2014, you did another story on decaying infrastructures of schools and bridges in Nevada, citing a report by the American Society of Civil Engineers.  You ended the story quoting the reports statement that "the problem lies in caps on property taxes stopping municipalities from making the necessary improvements."

Now you guys are supposedly the ones paying attention so why would you publicize such a misinformed statement?

Coincidence?  Yesterday we received the property tax assessment for the 2015-2016 tax years.  Taxes were increased almost 22% for the next year.  Doesn't sound like a debilitating cap on taxes to me!

Another coincidence?  Yesterday my father received his Social Security Statement saying his social security would increase 1.7% in the coming year.

In fact, the report contains glaring inaccuracies at best your news team might have scrutinized before reporting.  In an economy that is at best staying afloat and social security increases are at 1.7, intended to reflect cost of living increases; where new jobs created are lower paying for most people than the jobs that recently laid them off...

How can you quote a report that concludes the problem is a price cap that allows 22% increase in property taxes in one year?????  Do you need 50% increase in taxes?  100%?  200%

In an environment where only the top 1% get 22% or better cost of living increases, you are leading the public to believe that a 22% property tax increase in one year is too limiting.

I suspect cronyism and overpaid bureaucracies and price gouging private enterprises and contractors are the problem, not a price cap on property taxes.  Any reasonable person would agree.


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